Avoid the trap of the group show, that impossible Grail. Discover a magic place, the symbol of an ambitious French cultural policy with directors and teams who are passionate and stable. Show it all majestically with the richness of its historical layers, revealing what is sometimes hidden Assemble partners that nothing should bring together Try to dialogue with a space not originally conceived for showing artworks Mix established and unknown artists : no youthism, no aesthetic correctness, no quotas. (...)
Laurent Le Bon
Vernissage vendredi 7 octobre de 18h à minuit
Mercredi, jeudi, dimanche : de 14h00 à 19h00 Vendredi, samedi : de 14h00 à 20h00 Fermé le lundi et mardi
Mercredi 21 décembre à 15h00 Accessible aux visiteurs de l’exposition
Tous les dimanches à 16h00 (sauf le 25 décembre) Entrée gratuite
Plein tarif : 4€ / Tarif réduit : 3€ * * Etudiants, seniors, demandeurs d’emploi, membres des amis des musées, chèque crédit loisir.
Tarifs visites guidées : 40,00 € groupe de 10 à 30 pers, 1h Sur réservation: 03 20 28 38 04 / lmenard@lefresnoy.net Gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans et pour tous, chaque dimanche
Double Take is the moment when an unexpected spectacle steps out from the stream of perception and - though we already went past it - we turn back to take a look again. The aim of this project is to dig out conventions in everyday life to which we are so used that they become invisible. As examples of these conventions public statues are going to be recreated virtually and animated in a subversive way.
Focusing on the arrogance of the main figure and the subservience of the supporting cast, the short animation loops are aiming to dislodge the characters from their originally prescribed roles. The allegories are in an everlasting struggle to endure and to revolt against suppressive power by intermittently attempting to prick, deflate, melt or by finding different ways to let it down.
The hijacking of the stately statue of Jules Ferry is one of the first pieces of this. Jules Ferry was a statesman after whom many schools, streets, metro stations and a refugee center are named, and who believed that “superior races have the right to civilize inferior races.” Double Take / Jules Ferry challenges this credo by deconstructing the harmony of the statue, which represents an ideology that takes for granted the urge to “civilize”.
Cyril Teste, Aleski Aubry-Carlson, Viktor Vicsek (http://limelight.hu/), Gábor Papp, Barna Gábor Botond / XORXOR (http://xorxor.hu/), Daniela Delgado Viteri, Rajwa Tohmé, Daniel Dobbels, Jean-Jacques Gay, Madeleine Van Doren, Massimiliano Simbula, Bálint Benkovits, Zádor Tamás (Glowing Bulbs), François Bedhomme.
2000-2006 Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE), Painting Faculty, Budapest, Hungary 2014 AC Institute 179. New York, USA 2013 Ludwig Museum « Leopold Bloom Art Award », Budapest, Hungary 2012 Manhattan Bridge, « Codex Dynamic », New York, USA 2010 FIAC (Videospace Gallery), « C’est combien le kilo ? », Paris