Avoid the trap of the group show, that impossible Grail. Discover a magic place, the symbol of an ambitious French cultural policy with directors and teams who are passionate and stable. Show it all majestically with the richness of its historical layers, revealing what is sometimes hidden Assemble partners that nothing should bring together Try to dialogue with a space not originally conceived for showing artworks Mix established and unknown artists : no youthism, no aesthetic correctness, no quotas. (...)
Laurent Le Bon
Vernissage vendredi 7 octobre de 18h à minuit
Mercredi, jeudi, dimanche : de 14h00 à 19h00 Vendredi, samedi : de 14h00 à 20h00 Fermé le lundi et mardi
Mercredi 21 décembre à 15h00 Accessible aux visiteurs de l’exposition
Tous les dimanches à 16h00 (sauf le 25 décembre) Entrée gratuite
Plein tarif : 4€ / Tarif réduit : 3€ * * Etudiants, seniors, demandeurs d’emploi, membres des amis des musées, chèque crédit loisir.
Tarifs visites guidées : 40,00 € groupe de 10 à 30 pers, 1h Sur réservation: 03 20 28 38 04 / lmenard@lefresnoy.net Gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans et pour tous, chaque dimanche
And so it is that the traditional relations between the inside and the outside are shaken by intimacy; at first glance, even these do not even seem recognisable. By this reversal contained within the intimate, switching from the most secret into what can most connect it, that is to say, from what is deepest within each one of us – “intimate” within us – into what can most deeply found – at once justify and provoke – its union with the Other (according to the banal but soon jealous “they are intimate”), interior and exterior suddenly turn out to be the antipodes of what we know of them (holding them to be separate). For now, following intimacy, the interior seems to communicate, from its depths, with its opposite. Hence this hypothesis put forward to loosen the paradox: might it not be true that, the deeper the inside becomes, the more it is delved in, the less it can be heard on its own, the less it can be on its own? This inside of ourselves, the more it grasps itself within itself, at the bottom of its heart, as we say, as its “very inward” or “innermost,” the more it moves towards its de-confinement. The more it signs to “the Other,” which is then no longer the other, but its opposite: a highly significant reversal that I simply observe – it is this, on the trail of the intimate, that I plan to explore here.
François Jullien, De l’intime, loin du bruyant amour, Paris: Grasset, 2013, 256 p.
Le 188, la Compagnie de l’Oiseau-Mouche, Le Vivat Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d’Armentières.
2010 Fondation Royaumont Transforme, la perception 2000 CCN de Montpellier ex.e.r.ce 1999 CNSMD Lyon
2015 Le Merlan, Scène Nationale, Festival Parallèle, Komm’N’act, Marseille Le Vivat, Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Armentières Le Gymnase, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique, Les danses à l’endroit, Roubaix Ballet du Nord - Olivier Dubois, Centre Chorégraphique National, Jouvence, Roubaix 2014 Le Vivat, Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Festival Vivat la Danse !, Armentières FRAC Dunkerque L’Arsenal, Scène Nationale, Festival Avent Scène, Metz 2013 Le Vivat, Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Festival Vivat la danse !, Armentières Bikini test, Festival Les Amplitudes, La Chaux de Fonds Suisse Les Subsistances, Laboratoire international de recherche et de création artistique, « ça tremble », Lyon Espace Pasolini, Les instants magnétiques, Valenciennes