Avoid the trap of the group show, that impossible Grail. Discover a magic place, the symbol of an ambitious French cultural policy with directors and teams who are passionate and stable. Show it all majestically with the richness of its historical layers, revealing what is sometimes hidden Assemble partners that nothing should bring together Try to dialogue with a space not originally conceived for showing artworks Mix established and unknown artists : no youthism, no aesthetic correctness, no quotas. (...)
Laurent Le Bon
Vernissage vendredi 7 octobre de 18h à minuit
Mercredi, jeudi, dimanche : de 14h00 à 19h00 Vendredi, samedi : de 14h00 à 20h00 Fermé le lundi et mardi
Mercredi 21 décembre à 15h00 Accessible aux visiteurs de l’exposition
Tous les dimanches à 16h00 (sauf le 25 décembre) Entrée gratuite
Plein tarif : 4€ / Tarif réduit : 3€ * * Etudiants, seniors, demandeurs d’emploi, membres des amis des musées, chèque crédit loisir.
Tarifs visites guidées : 40,00 € groupe de 10 à 30 pers, 1h Sur réservation: 03 20 28 38 04 / lmenard@lefresnoy.net Gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans et pour tous, chaque dimanche
By combining lived situations and invented scenes, Paul Heintz’s creations lead us, in two stages, to go beyond what we think we see and to think reality. The incidents or absurd actions performed in his films are, although highly theatrical and imaginary, part of a search for meaning. Paul Heintz reflects on perception and its construction, working on the image and its illusions. He is constantly reminding us that – even if it is a construction, a fool’s game that the viewer, aware of the deceit, still loves to play – the image partakes of our overall vision of the world. He materialises this incessant to-and-fro between the real and the imaginary by the use of movement, notably tracking shots in his films and moving elements in his installations, thereby suggesting new viewpoints. With De Façade, Paul Heintz goes back to the origins of cinema, to its mechanical dimension, possibly reminding us of magic lanterns, of the time when projections were manual. He creates a set-up that gives viewers the feeling they are watching a vertical travelling shot along the façade of a building. This is an illusion, for what is shown, this façade of a building, refers us to the history of a construction whose interior we have no way of guessing at. The light and sound of this work on the play of appearances leads the viewer onto a fictional terrain open to all interpretations. Valérie Toubas and Daniel Guionnet, Point Contemporain
Thanks to Mehdi Ahoudig, Randa Maroufi, Alain Le Béon, Christophe Gregório, Léo Pacquelet, à Manuel Bello Marcado, Michel Vandestien, José Froment, Annonciade Sauli, Fantin Leroux,The neighbors of 145 rue La Fayette and the artists and the staff of Fresnoy.
Construction: Alain Le Béon, Christophe Gregório, Léo Pacquelet, Paul Heintz and Les Ateliers de l'Orge Sound composition: Mehdi Ahoudig Assembly sound: Randa Maroufi and Paul Heintz Trainee sound: Eric Morel Mixing: Christian Cartier Programming: Sébastien Cabour
Paul Heintz, a graduate from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Nancy and Ecole des Arts Décoratifs de Paris was born in 1989 in Saint-Avold (France). Paul Heintz explores a bizarre set of cases where what is real is largely imbued with fiction, and where expected behaviour also makes its impact felt. There is an inherent toxicity to imagination and fiction when they combine their approval of the social norm, as is the case with storytelling for example. From there, Paul Heintz enters the logic of fiction, takes it further and lets a redeeming current seep through.
His work invests objects, sound, video and installation and has been presented at contemporary art events such as Le Salon de Montrouge, Paris Nuit Blanche and Circulation(s), the festival of young European photography. He is currently living and working in Paris as well as in Lille in France, where he is a student at Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains.