Vernissage vendredi 21 septembre de 18h à minuit
Mercredi, jeudi, dimanche, 1er novembre : de 14h00 à 19h00 Vendredi, samedi, 11 novembre : de 14h00 à 20h00 Fermeture le lundi, le mardi, et le 25 décembre Les 24 et 31 décembre, fermetures à 17h.
Tarifs visites guidées : 40,00 € groupe de 10 à 30 pers, 1h Sur réservation: 03 20 28 38 04 /
Tarif normal : 4€ Tarif réduit : 3€ (demandeurs d’emploi, étudiants, seniors) Entrée libre pour les détenteurs de la C’Art et les Amis du Fresnoy Gratuit chaque dimanche pour tous.
As in a museum, there are sculptures, images, set up in a space. The sculptures have a familiar look, but they are devoid of depth, they are images. Cut round, the forms of the sculptures turn as you go past. The forms, the ground, everything is bright and shiny. You feel you are exerting a power over the space surrounding you. You are, almost, the main centre of attention. Here everything acts a sign.
This installation takes as its starting point a computer graphics technique known as a sprite, an image on a transparent ground forming part of a 3D scene. The use of sprites began in arcade games in 1974. Sprites are active components in a still backdrop. For example, plants in video games were long produced using composite imagery. These images pivot as the players make their way through the game so as to face them. In a space lit by fluorescent tubes, images of cropped subjects stand on plinths, like sculptures. With contours reminiscent of a photographed subject, these images act like sprites in a video game and follow the viewer’s trajectory. It is therefore impossible to walk around the object, thereby blurring the relationship between viewer, object and exhibition space. Used to looking at works in a museum in any way they like, viewers are destabilised: by adapting to their presence, the installation environment limits their viewpoint. Two lines of thought are thus addressed in the piece: on the one hand, it explores the capacity of photographic images to suggest volume; and, on the other, it questions viewer interaction with the space through which he moves.
Production : Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains
2015 DNSAP – Ecole nationale supérieure beaux-arts, Paris
2016 Galerie du Crous, « Matter/no Matter », exposition collective, Paris 2015 Palais des Beaux-Arts, « Transmissions », exposition collective, Paris 2014 La samaritaine, « Ma Samaritaine, carte blanche à la jeune photographie », exposition collective, Paris 2014 Espace Pierre Cardin, Prix Icart, exposition collective, Paris