Vernissage vendredi 21 septembre de 18h à minuit
Mercredi, jeudi, dimanche, 1er novembre : de 14h00 à 19h00 Vendredi, samedi, 11 novembre : de 14h00 à 20h00 Fermeture le lundi, le mardi, et le 25 décembre Les 24 et 31 décembre, fermetures à 17h.
Tarifs visites guidées : 40,00 € groupe de 10 à 30 pers, 1h Sur réservation: 03 20 28 38 04 /
Tarif normal : 4€ Tarif réduit : 3€ (demandeurs d’emploi, étudiants, seniors) Entrée libre pour les détenteurs de la C’Art et les Amis du Fresnoy Gratuit chaque dimanche pour tous.
Self-contradicting upland landscapes retreating one behind the other – volcanoes and valleys, mountains – they are characters in the fullest sense. They possess a presence on film, two sides, at the same time a territory of immense beauty, and also the symbol of constant subjugation, that of the insignificance of man faced with these hearts of lava; the landscape is a mirror of the state of the soul. A secret, unspoken story unwinds from around a character taken from a book who wanders through the real world. This is Fanuel/Alferez, a being born of the connection between two ghostly figures, revenants; the actor’s wanderings are a reflection of the invisible, inaccessible and imperceptible stories using the metaphor of a mountain exile. As the story unfolds, we get to know his psychology, his desire to live outside a body that undergoes various metamorphoses. This parallel, dislocated and anachronistic narrative is told through the voice of an Aztec god, Tlaloc, who roams free and who seems to speak from his timeless dwelling place, a divinity who observes the changes through each epoch and landscape (no less indefinite), and through whose mouth speak long-vanished voices, sentences made of forgotten words.
2017-2021 Doctorant en Études et Pratiques. Université du Québec à Montréal. Cotutelle avec le Fresnoy Studio National. « Hétéroglossies et cartographies ». Directeurs de recherche : Pascal Convert et Vincent Lavoie 2016 Artiste Membre de la Casa de Velázquez - Académie de France en Espagne 2015 DNSEP - Montpellier Contemporain Mo.Co.
Expositions et Projections