Vernissage vendredi 21 septembre de 18h à minuit
Mercredi, jeudi, dimanche, 1er novembre : de 14h00 à 19h00 Vendredi, samedi, 11 novembre : de 14h00 à 20h00 Fermeture le lundi, le mardi, et le 25 décembre Les 24 et 31 décembre, fermetures à 17h.
Tarifs visites guidées : 40,00 € groupe de 10 à 30 pers, 1h Sur réservation: 03 20 28 38 04 /
Tarif normal : 4€ Tarif réduit : 3€ (demandeurs d’emploi, étudiants, seniors) Entrée libre pour les détenteurs de la C’Art et les Amis du Fresnoy Gratuit chaque dimanche pour tous.
Three voices, flanking an infinity of bricks. Their ages are different. They shaped themselves throughout a series of interviews led with the inhabitants. "What do you see when you stand at the window ?" They gaze toward color, where the road begins – a place of thirst –, in the desert or in the sea. Three times has the road hit that architectural reef, the paradigm of some modernity – once radiant, soon written off – referred to as a housing block. Here, the speaking effort stands right at the commissure of documentary and poetry.
Lamine Diallo, Maissa Mansour, Madani Bekkouche, Daniel Dobbels, Yannick Haenel, Th. V., Alexandra Sabathé, Camille Martin, Adam Bernadac, Thomas Guillot, Guylaine Huet, François Bonenfant, Madeleine Van Doren, C. N., L. P., Séverine Suter, Itinéraires et Perspectives, la médiathèque du Faubourg de Béthune
Production : Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains
She is a Paris-Nanterre anthropological & documentary cinema and École Normale Supérieure (Paris) graduate, and a member of the GRAF (Film Anthropology Research Group). Her cinematographic practice takes the shape of an attempted alloy, that of the documentary material and writing. Her films – hybrid creatures – gaze toward the word and upon the world, striving to strip themselves.