Art Orienté Objet

Génération Zéro - Installation - 2018

présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 20


AOO is presenting Neuromusic, the second opus of a big Bio-art project that combines experiments on living forms, installations and films: Génération Zéro.

Neuromusic, an installation comprising a robotised musical table and a film, is constructed around the work of a physicist suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome who has found the mathematical formula enabling him to transpose organic molecules into chains of melody and thus to apprehend the complexity of biological reality. This formula opens up a fascinating perspective: the possibility of perceiving and acting on life forms by means of sound waves. Here, we concentrate on the molecules from neurotransmitters that have soothing effects, and to this, we have added a “calming music” created by Noé-Mihiel, a child suffering from a hyperactivity syndrome who spontaneously found in his own music the structures of the proteins he needs for his equilibrium.

The film narrative thus accompanies a big interactive, robotised table playing the music of neurotransmitters on steel drums, a biologically active music – providing that several participants join in with the experiment and enter into “communion” around the table. A kind of sound medicine with euphoric effects, Neuromusic displays the latest discoveries regarding the influence of sound waves on life forms. It generates a vertigo in front of a world in which everything seems to be linked. Religion: belief and the ties that bind: but what if we simply became aware?

Art Orienté Objet


Thanks: to the teams and collaborators at Le Fresnoy; to Florestan Boutin, and Metal Sounds.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing