Vincent Duault
Voyager - Installation - 2021
présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 23

To leave is to begin, it is to invent a vessel to escape in.
Both outside and on the inside.
To try to reach, to feel the order of things.
Sometimes we leave to go nowhere.
By the exercise of freewill.
To raise oneself up when earthly nourishment is no longer enough for the thirst for desire.
One of those vessels is here. Its engine is the whole sky.
Its fuel is the deepest intuitions of the person who steered it in order to live their dreams.
To dream is to make the best possible use of the world by inventing new lands to grow up in.
Providing we stay in the air.
Vincent Duault
After having started in advertising photography as a digital retoucher and CGI Artist, I progressively shifted my work towards picture taking until today where I focus on visual narration which is built through our own visual perception of the existing world. Indeed, the brain constantly questions what the eye sees in a precarious balancing-act between visual inputs and the feeling they generate, leaving us in a perplexed state-of-consciousness that mesmerizes our imagination. Today, my work simultaneously ventures in several directions going from photography to drawing and painting, while always keeping in mind the desire to understand how pictures get born inside us.