Danielle Kaganov
Manuscript for Debris - Film - 9min - 2024
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 26

In Manuscript of Debris, body parts, animals, equipment, and objects coexist in the same space. The film combines black-and-white video reminiscent of night vision with animated drawings, creating a hybrid space that blurs the distinction between a film set, an office, and a medical cabinet. Surreal occurrences take place: a soldier-animal figure wearing a VR headset interacts with two horses, a rabbit hangs from an infusion stand and medical gloves take on the appearance of levitating magician's hands. These elements reflect a sense of collapse.
This collapse seems to reorganize hierarchies of objects, animals, and human bodies, In the film, I attempt to process this collapse while also shifting it into a different state of mind. Through a slow pace and delicate, subtle gestures, I invite viewers to enter a more contemplative state.
Danielle Kaganov
Danielle Kaganov is an artist and filmmaker based in France. She was born in 1994 in Jerusalem. Her work is multidisciplinary and focused on film, as well as performance, photography installation and drawing. She was a resident at HISK, Belgium (2022-2023). Her works have been shown in exhibitions and festivals: Docaviv, Print Screen, Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival (TISFF), Prussia Foundation in Vienna (2023). She was awarded the Cooper prize (2017), the first prize at TISFF experimental competition in 2020. In 2022, she received the Ilana Elovic prize.
Her practice consists of long-term projects which draw inspiration from media and popular culture, consumerism, and history and deal with those topics in a critical way. She does this by taking on a minor position within established and institutionalized systems such as the entertainment industry, a political party or internet advertising companies, the materials she collects from her research serve her as raw material for her projects.
› Chargé.e de production : Barbara Merlier
› Assistant réalisateur : Omer Gross
› Assistant de production : Maëlle Tocaben
› Son : Salomé Renaud
› Performance : Aleksandre Zharaya
› Lumières : Marie Merlan