Fernando Colin Roque

Yollotl - Film - 17min - 2020

présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 22


Fernando Colin Roque

Through his work, Fernando Colin Roque (1989, Mexico) tries to understand the human condition, as well as man’s contradictions, frailty and ambivalence in the face of complicated facts, such as gender, migration, memory and death. In 2008, he made Al canto del Bajío, a documentary that went on to win many prizes. He studied at the Berlinale Talent Campus. He has made The Most Living Shout, a production for the Mexican Ministry of Culture, as well as the film Coba: Esperanza. Ikki Films is producing his next long documentary, La Vida es un carnaval.


Avec le soutien de Investigación y Soluciones Socioambientales A.C. (SURVERDE). Merci à tout le personnel, amis et collègues du Fresnoy - Studio national, Chloé BELLOC, Eduardo MARTINEZ, Raul COLIN, Norma ROQUE, Jean-Marie et Laurence BELLOC, Jean-Michel et Dominique AMEIL


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing — Surverde