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Panorama 21 - Les revenants | Janaina Wagner - Licantropia | Le Fresnoy 2019
Janaina Wagner (BR, FR)
Film -

“I’ll make my report as if I told a story, for I was taught as a child on my home-world that truth is a matter of the imagination.”

Licantropia is an essay on the figure of the werewolf, an expiatory creature shaped by man in order to put a contour around the cruel acts perpetrated by humanity in the course of history. Recounted by the moon over the course of a night, various figures of the werewolf are embodied by a wolf, a woman and a man. Wandering through the empty, dreaming streets of a forgotten city in the North of France, these three figures merge with old and present archives, with ruins of the past and future. Merging fiction and reality, the film is made from an assemblage of different types of image: 16 mm, digital, paintings, engraving, historical documents, literary excerpts, personal texts and oral statements.

The werewolf, a hybrid being, still operates in an “intermediary” space, moving between the limits of reality and the imaginary, falsehood and truth, history and stories. It is an amalgam that mixes man and animal in a unique image, functioning as a bridge in order to investigate the processes of civilizational domination through history.

Janaina Wagner
Janaina Wagner Brésil, France
Promotion André S. Labarthe

Janaina Wagner was born in São Paulo, Brazil. An artist, journalist and video teacher for children, she holds a master’s degree in artistic- political experimentation (SPEAP). Working with installation, video, photography, books, drawings, screenwriting and painting, she explores the points of friction between the human and its constructions. She looks at forms and subjects that refer to the relations of limit, control and contention that man establishes with the world, as well as with finitude in itself. Wagner has benefited from several artistic residencies, such as FID Campus - Festival International de Cinéma de Marseille (Marseille), Festival Mondes Possibles - Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers (Paris), Bolsa Pampulha (MG, Brazil), Red Bull Station (SP), Casa Tomada (SP), Anarcademia, (W139, Amsterdam) and NES Skagaströnd, on the rural coast of Iceland.

Holder of diplomas fine arts and journalism and a master’s degree on the Artistic and Political Experimentation programme, and a video teacher, her references concern the procedures whereby humanity inscribes and articulates its progress and its heritage. Janaina Lives and works between Roubaix and São Paulo.


2017 Pivô Pesquisa – Pivô (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)
2017 Centre Les Récollets (Paris, France)
2016 RAM – Residência Artística Mutuca (Altamira, MG – Brazil)
2016 Bolsa Pampulha (Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil)
2015 Red Bull Station (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)
2015 Casa Tomada + Fresh Milk Barbados (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)
2014 Residência Phosphorus 2014 (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)
2013 COMO Clube (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)
2013 Projeto Residência – 12o Festival de Arte Serrinha (Bragança Paulista, SP – Brazil)
2013 NES (Skagastrond, Iceland)
2012 Anarcademia, W139 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2011 Projeto Experiência, Itaú Cultural (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)

2017 Floresta – Museu do Esquilo (Ibiuna, SP)
2016 Criatura – Oficina Cultural Oswald Andrade (São Paulo, SP – Brazil)
2015 Decupagem/ Crônica de um final anunciado – Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto – MARP (Ribeirão Preto, SP – Brazil)

2018 Festival Mondes Possibles - Centre dramatique national Nanterre-Amandiers (Paris, France)

2018 14o Festival Hors Pistes - Centre Pompidou (Paris, France)

2017 Ensaio de Tração - Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)
2017 Bestiário - Centro Cultural São Paulo - CCSP (São Paulo, Brazil)
2017 Mágica – 13 Festival VERBO de Performance – Galeria Vermelho (São Paulo, Brazil)

2017 Bad Video Art Festival – A3 Gallery (Moscow, Russia)

2016 Mon Cher Magma – Atelier W (Paris, France)

2016 Permanências e Destruições – Torre H (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

2015 Galeria Transitória – Red Bull Station (São Paulo, Brazil)

2015 Concrete Matter – Warm (São Paulo, Brazil)

2014 4o Prêmio EDP nas Artes – Instituto Tomie Ohtake (São Paulo, Brazil)
2014 32th Coopy RIghtOTs - 8. Salon (Hamburg, Germany)

2013 4o Prêmio Belvedere de Arte Contemporânea – Galeria Belvedere (Paraty, Brazil)

2013 The New York Art Book Fair – MoMA PS1 (New York, United States of America)

2012 Anarcademia, W139 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

2017 - Independent Program of Museu de Arte de São Paulo PIMASP - MASP - One year formation program (São Paulo, Brazil)

2016 Drawing and Cinema – Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo – Special student at the Master program of Visual Poetics - ECA - USP (São Paulo, Brazil)

_2013 Bachelor at Pedagogy in Fine Arts - Faculdade Santa Marcelina - FASM (São Paulo, Brazil)

  • Scénario: Janaina Wagner
  • Interprétation: Christophe Gregorio, Fanny Chiarello, Maknov Wolf, Clara Béguély, Lucas Bardoux, Lisa Lejczyk
  • Image: Victor Zébo, Janaina Wagner
  • Son: Pierre Dernoncourt
  • Montage image: Ludovic De Oliveira, Janaina Wagner
  • Son: Pierre Dernoncourt
  • Montage image: Ludovic De Oliveira, Janaina Wagner, Florent Bourgain
  • Mixage: Yannick Delmaire, Florent Bourgain
  • Musique originale: Abel Duarte, Caina Bomilcar, Marcelo Mudou

Production : Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains