Vincent Pouydesseau France
Promotion Michelangelo Antonioni
Vincent Pouydesseau is an artist who is fascinated by the textures of objects and their materials. His wide-ranging oeuvre embraces photographic, sculptural, digital and sound compositions.
Having trained in new technologies, he seeks to explore them through different practices, notably by combining, in the manner of a hacker, a deconstruction phase with a different, sensory reconstruction.
His practice can be summarised as the desire to maintain a relationship based on material and immaterial communication between the public and objects in which we no longer take an interest.
2011 - DNAP & DNSEP Master 2 Communication Graphique avec félicitations du jury
École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs STRASBOURG
2009 - BTS Communication Visuelle opt. Multimédia
Lycée Professionnel Les Arènes TOULOUSE
2007 - MANAA Mise à Niveau Arts Appliqués
Lycée Professionnel Charles A. Coulomb ANGOULEME
2006 - BAC PRO Communication Graphique
Lycée Professionnel Toulouse-Lautrec BORDEAUX
2005 - CAP Dessinateur d’ Exécution en Communication Graphique