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Panorama 21 - Les revenants | Félix Luque & Iñigo Bilbao - Junkyard | Le Fresnoy 2019
Félix Luque & Iñigo Bilbao (ES)

Junkyard explores the accumulated car wrecks as archaeological remains for the future - a future that is undergirded by the consumptive cultures of petroleum, rare earth minerals and metals of which the car is emblematic.

Paul Virilio’s argument about the relationship of technology and accidents is illuminating in this sense: “every time that a new technology has been invented”, he writes “a new energy harnessed, a new product made, one also invents a new negativity, a new accident.”(1) In this sense, the easy conclusion would say that the people who invented the car also invented the car accident. But what happens, when we think about not individual accidents but the industry as a whole as an extended scale of a systematic accident that leaves traces of wrecks as the memory of past archaeological periods, whether that pertains to chemicals, metals or residual traces of media of past automobile cultures? In other words, what if we think that the whole industry, with production, distribution, excavation and use, and what it has been doing to the earth’s “resources”, the organisation of labour and gender roles, is an historical accident that undermines the viability of organised human existence – the car industry as the accident of the fossil fuel culture?

Jussi Parikka et Yig˘it Soncul.

(1) : Critical Mass," World Art, no. 1 (1995), 81. (1) : Critical Mass," World Art, no. 1 (1995), 81.

Félix Luque
Félix Luque Espagne

The work of Félix Luque and Iñigo Bilbao questions the way we conceive our relation to technology and the contemporary issues involved in the development of artificial intelligence and automation. Based on the joint use of electronic and digital systems of representation, of mecatronic sculptures, of generative sound compositions, of real-time data fluxes and algorithmic processes, the narrative procedures on which his installations are based mix fiction and reality and prefigure the possible scenarios of a near futur.

Text by Paul Waelder

Iñigo Bilbao
Iñigo Bilbao Espagne

The work of Félix Luque and Iñigo Bilbao questions the way we conceive our relation to technology and the contemporary issues involved in the development of artificial intelligence and automation. Based on the joint use of electronic and digital systems of representation, of mecatronic sculptures, of generative sound compositions, of real-time data fluxes and algorithmic processes, the narrative procedures on which his installations are based mix fiction and reality and prefigure the possible scenarios of a near futur.

Text by Paul Waelder

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