The installation was inspired by an ancient Chinese book, the I-Ching, which is used for divination.
To consult this book, one simply tosses three coins and then refers to the list of 64 hexagrams, on of which will correspond to the value of the coins tossed and will provide advice on the question that has been asked beforehand.
The installation represents 64 combinations of different episodes visualised in an order that is determined by the value of the coins thrown by the viewer.
In addition to this, the work itself was created using Chinese divination: before filming each episode, the coins were thrown to determine the location, the actors and the events to follow.
It is therefore more a Situationist method than the kind of formal one used to create a visual artwork. And this is the state of mind of each beholder who in each particular case contributes to the creation of something new based on the episodes.