Le Fresnoy

A Little Phantasy on a Nineteenth Century Painting, 1946

Film 16mm / black & white / sound / 3’35’’.
Distribution Cinédoc - Paris Films Coop.


Arnold Böcklin’s painting, L’île des morts, was one of Hitler’s favourite artworks and he owned one of the versions of this painting. After the war, Norman McLaren made A Little Phantasy on a Nineteenth Century Painting, a frame by frame animated film based on a pastel reproduction of this painting with a black background. The peaceful island is turned into the backdrop of a nightmare. A Little Phantasy on a Nineteenth Century Painting is very different from the most well-known works by Norman McLaren: the abstract animated drawings with twirling shapes scratched directly onto the film.


Born in 1914 in Stirling, GreatBritain.
Died in 1987 in Montreal, Canada.